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Morrill Act of 1862

The land-grant legacy began with the passing of the Morrill Act in 1862 – this act made it possible for new western states to establish colleges for their citizens. The new land-grant institutions, which emphasized agriculture and mechanic arts, opened opportunities to thousands of farmers and working people previously excluded from higher education.

Peter Melendy

By selecting only the best lands, Peter Melendy ensured that Iowa collected top dollar when renting and selling to settlers which ultimately provided more funds for the up-and-coming university.

The Jasper County Five Section Grant

Iowa passed an act to establish an Agricultural College and Model Farm in 1858. A location in Story County was selected, but there was very little money to finance the building of a college and farm. The effort got a financial boost when land originally given to the state for the relocation of the state capitol was diverted to aid in the erection of public buildings for the benefit of the Iowa Agricultural College and Farm. The fledgling college, desperate for funds, benefited from the sale of prime land in Jasper County.